
The Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme is a postgraduate degree aimed at helping participants to become capable and competent managers in a range of organisations operating within an increasing international setting.  The programme is modular in design and covers all of the main areas of management within a balanced curriculum.

The programme will enhance the participant’s knowledge, develop their management skills and potential and provide an environment where students can learn from each other as well as from the teaching staff.  It is particularly designed to develop a range of conceptual and analytical skills for dealing with a variety of practical management problems of an operational and strategic nature.

Emphasis will be given throughout the programme to:

  • Developing the participant’s awareness and understanding of contemporary business concepts and models and how those concepts and models may be applied to the solution of complex business problems within and across all business functions.
  • Developing the skills of participants so that their employment potential is enhanced across different business sectors and in a range of management roles.
  • Enhancing awareness of how interpersonal and cross-cultural factors and perspectives affect decision making.
  • Promoting a critical and reflective approach to the solution of business problems.
  • Assisting participants with their current and future personal development.

The aims of the MBA programme are to:

  • Provide opportunities for students to develop their management knowledge, competence and problem solving ability, in a manner that will significantly enhance their capability to function as managers at a senior level, within a wide range of commercial and not-for-profit organisations and functions.
  • Provide knowledge of international management and of different cultures; an awareness and understanding of issues that affect organisational effectiveness in different parts of the world and an international perspective on issues of strategic significance.
  • Develop managers who can improve organisational performance and bring about change within their organisations.

This internationally recognised MBA programme will accelerate your career development into highly paid management positions. Aimed at graduates with significant business/management experience, it will significantly enhance your capability to function as a senior manager within a wide range of commercial and service organisations. 

You will develop your strategic management knowledge, competence and problem-solving ability. You will also become familiar with international management practice, and the development of effective business cultures and performance enhancement. 

The MBA is designed to draw upon the experience of the candidate and in recognition of the applied nature of the award the programme will emphasise an integrated and practical (professional) orientation over a theoretical approach.

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