Attention please!
Dear «Ӱҵ Students!
Good news! The Scholarship (20% discount of the total annual Tuition Fee) sponsored by «Ӱҵ and Uzbekistan Banking Association (UBA) is being allotted for the 2021/2022 Academic Year.
Please note: 15 places of Scholarship are provided for the current Academic Year. All Year1, Year2, Year3 students of Bachelor’s degree aspiring to win a scholarship are welcome to apply!
To be eligible, each candidate should meet the following application requirements:
1. Filling an Application Form
2.Mission Statement Essay (should be attached to the application form, which is included in the downloadable application form)
3. Academic results of the last academic year (eligible when minimum average score is 50 percent and above) and to be confirmed by the Exam Unit.
4. Extracurricular achievements (certificates, recommendation letters and etc.)
5. Passport copy Note: Download the documents from the official «ӰҵT website
LINKS: For Application Form:
For Academic results form: /uploads/pages/Academic%20records%20Appendix%20III.docx
The completed hardcopies of the documents mentioned above should be submitted (offline submission) to SSU Department. The application will be carefully reviewed according to the set criteria by the members of Committee of «Ӱҵ, «ӰҵT and the UBA.
At the first stage submitted applications have been checked for completeness (Application form, academic results, mission statement, extracurricular achievements).
If an application passes the first stage, the committee will review the application at the second stage where a candidate should make a presentation of his/her essay (mission statement) and present it to the selection committee members.
The results will be announced accordingly. * For further information please contact with your Course Coordinators (SSU) +998712717703/ Room B101
Application DEADLINE: 4 March, 2022
Good luck and Best Regards, Youth Support Unit Team