В местных журналах:
Abdukadirhuja Bakhriev(2019).Online booking in hotel.Scientific Digest. Issue 1. «Ӱҵ
Aziza Tulyaganova(2019).Potential of some intellectual property mechanism for tourism development in Uzbekistan. Scientific Digest. Issue 1. «Ӱҵ
Aziza Tulyaganova(2019).Business Law as a platform for mastering problem – solving skill for non-law students in the Republic of Uzbekistan.Scientific Digest. Issue 2. «Ӱҵ
Dilafruz Kurbonova(2019).The Evaluation and Selection of Supplier in Supply Chain Management: Literature Review.Scientific Digest. Issue 2. «Ӱҵ
Kamila Tashmatova(2019).Is Prompt Corrective Action a sufficient regulatory tool to find,examine and fix bank’s problems?Scientific Digest. Issue 2. «Ӱҵ
Khusan Turaev(2019).Understanding Current Information Security Threats.Scientific Digest. Issue 2. «Ӱҵ
Maged Al-Dubai(2019). The moderating role of job satisfaction on the relationship between human resource management practices and employee performance among telecommunication employees.Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce,vol. 24, no. 2
Maged Al-Dubai(2019). Mediating role of leadership styles on the relationship between recruitment and selection and employee satisfaction among telecommunication employees.Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce,vol. 24, no. 2
Makhmud Kurbonov(2019).The role of outsourcing logistics in building materials and construction products industryin Uzbekistan. Scientific Digest. Issue 1. «Ӱҵ
Nodirakhon Akhunova, Nargiza Abdurakhmanova(2019).Modern teaching techniques of increasing english learning motivation in students majoring in business and management. Scientific Digest. Issue 1. «Ӱҵ
Saidislombek Saidhonov(2019).The doing business indicators and economic performance: cross-country analysis. Scientific Digest. Issue 1. «Ӱҵ
Shavkat K. Djuraev(2019).New approaches to finance business start-ups in the Republic of Uzbekistan.Scientific Digest. Issue 2. «Ӱҵ
Shukhrat Shadmanov(2019).Infrastructure and Economic Growth. Scientific Digest. Issue 1. «Ӱҵ
Shavkat Mamatov,Alam Asadov (2019). Prospects of islamic finance and its products for economy of Uzbekistan. Scientific Digest. Issue 1. «Ӱҵ
Suna Julia Park(2019).What is the meaning of ‘peace’ in today’s world?Scientific Digest. Issue 1. «Ӱҵ
Temur Abdullaev(2019).The potential of historical reenactments in tourism development of Uzbekistan.Scientific Digest. Issue 1. «Ӱҵ
Sherzod Aktamov(2019).Prospects of Uzbekistan in creation of competitive conditions for foreign investments. Scientific Digest. Issue 2. «Ӱҵ
Yuliya Paramonova(2019).Why not digital? Challenges in digital transformation and technological innovation within manufacturing sector: the case of Uzbekistan.Scientific Digest. Issue 2. «Ӱҵ
Елена Ханзадян, Татьяна Сохранная(2019).Определение роли межкультурной коммуникации в развитии международных бизнес отношений: стратегии успеха.Scientific Digest. Issue 1. «Ӱҵ
Нодира Рахимходжаева(2019).Понятие реструктуризации коммерческих банков. Scientific Digest. Issue 2. «Ӱҵ
Нодира Рахимходжаева(2019).Проблемы и перспективы сближения мсфос национальными бухгалтерскими стандартами в Узбекистане.Scientific Digest. Issue 1. «Ӱҵ
Саидисломбек Саидхонов(2019).Мегарегулятор как форма организации регулирования и надзора за участниками и инфраструктурой финансового рынка. Scientific Digest. Issue 2. «Ӱҵ
Шерзод Актамов(2019).Анализ влияния высокого рейтинга в индексе gciна увеличение привлечения прямых иностранных инвестиций.Scientific Digest. Issue 1. «Ӱҵ
Шерзод Актамов,Қодиржон Ёрмаматов(2019).Жаҳон амалиётидаги банк инновацион трендлари.Scientific Digest. Issue 1. «Ӱҵ
Шавкат Джураев(2019).Каналы поддержки пользователей и уровни обслуживания их обращений.Scientific Digest. Issue 1. «Ӱҵ
В зарубежных конференциях:
Aril Cansel(2019).How can Academia and Business Education Contribute to Market Development? A Proposal for Uzbekistan’s Strategic Approach.Conference Proceedings on "Investments and Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Prospects". «Ӱҵ
Aziza Tulyaganova(2019).Ethical Responsibility of Hospitality Operators. Inbound Tourism in Uzbekistan. Law doesn’t always have an answer.Round Table Proceedings on "The sphere of service, tourism and hospitality - sustainable development and innovation". «Ӱҵ.
Abdukodirkhuja Bakhriev(2019).Operations Management in LOOOK. Round Table Proceedings on "The sphere of service, tourism and hospitality - sustainable development and innovation". «Ӱҵ.
Deniza Alieva, Gulnoza Usmonova,Dmitriy Sorokin (2019). Analysis of readiness of some touristic objects of Tashkent for tourist flow growing.Round Table Proceedings on "The sphere of service, tourism and hospitality - sustainable development and innovation". «Ӱҵ.
Deniza Alieva,Isidro Maya-Jariego, Daniel Holgado Ramos (2019). Professional roles in the Russian tourism: the importance of personal networks.Conference Proceedings on "Investments and Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Prospects". «Ӱҵ
Dr. Nasser Albogami, Dr. Erdogan Ekiz, Dr. Mansour Alansari,Dr. ArilCansel, Dr. Sameer Yaghmour, Dr. Sheryl Buckley, Dr. Victoria Sanagustin Fons Sanagustin Fons (2019). The Use of Personality Inventories and IT in Developing Skills of Educationally Disadvantaged: An Entrepreneurial Development Project for Saudi Women.Conference Proceedings on "Investments and Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Prospects". «Ӱҵ
MagedAL-DUBAI, Zakarya Muthanna, Bakhtierullo Ubaydullaev Hamidovich,NazokatGapurjanova(2019).The relationship between critical success factors and project success: an empirical investigation in the oil and gas industry in aden, yemen.Conference Proceedings on "Investments and Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Prospects". «Ӱҵ
NiginaKhabibiy(2019).Investment into education as an important tool of business development.Conference Proceedings on "Investments and Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Prospects". «Ӱҵ
Nigina Khabibiy(2019).Effect of Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment. Round Table Proceedings on "The sphere of service, tourism and hospitality - sustainable development and innovation". «Ӱҵ.
Sweeyee Lee, Maged Al-Dubai, Murugadoss Natarajan(2019).Exploring the learning style preferences of undergraduate students in transnational education programmes. ICALLE 2019 Full paper Publication - Silk Road: A journal of Eurasian development
Yuliya Paramonova(2019).Innovative entrepreneurship – impact on economic development and supportive institutional factors.Conference Proceedings on "Investments and Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Prospects". «Ӱҵ
Азиза Туляганова(2019).Некоторые аспекты регулирования религиозного туризма в Республике Узбекистан.Conference Proceedings on "Investments and Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Prospects". «Ӱҵ
Дениза Алиева, Гулноза Усмонова, Шерзод Актамов(2019).Влияние позиционирования культурных событий на развитие туристской отрасли.Conference Proceedings on "Investments and Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Prospects". «Ӱҵ
Аълам Асадов,Шавкат Маматов(2019). Ўзбекистонда ислом молиясининг инвестицион потенциали. First International Conference of “Umid” Foundation alumni “New Generation of Personnel for Modernizing Uzbekistan.
Шерзод Актамов(2019).Некоторые аспекты односторонней векторной направленности между наличными и безналичными средствами физических лиц в Узбекистане.Conference Proceedings on "Investments and Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Prospects". «Ӱҵ
ШухратШадманов(2019).Корхоналар рақобатбардошлигини оширишда йўл ва транспорт инфратузилмасининг аҳамияти.Conference Proceedings on "Investments and Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Prospects". «Ӱҵ
ШухратШадманов, Сергей Воронин (2019). Особенности инвестиционной политики Китая в условиях ужесточения конкуренции на мировом рынке капитал. «БПК», №4
ШухратШадманов, Сергей Воронин (2019). Инвестиционная политика в международных отношениях: возможности и риски для экономики Узбекистана. "Международные отношения" №2.
ШухратШадманов(2019).Ишлаб чиқариш инфратузилмасини ривожлантиришнинг давлат стратегияси. Ўзбекистон Республикаси ҳаракатлар стратегияси: макроиқтисодий барқарорлик, инвестицион фаоллик ва инновацион ривожланиш истиқболлари.II Халқаро илмий-амалий конференция. 2019й. 27-28 Май.
Шухрат Шадманов, Шадманов Э. (2019). Infrastructure as a driver of development. Rejuvenating silk road: past, present and future of Turkey-Uzbekistan relations. Sabahattin Zaim University publications. Sabahattin Zaim University publications. 1st edition Istanbul. July 2019.
В зарубежных журналах:
Maya‐Jariego, I, de la Peña, A, Arenas, C,Deniza Alieva(2019). Personal networks, social media, and community cohesion in the strategies of peace‐building agents in Colombia to counteract the segregation of displaced populations. Journal of Community Psychology, 1–13.
Maya-JariegoI.,Deniza Alieva,HolgadoD. (2019). Confidentiality, power relations and evaluation of potential damage in the study of the personal and organizational networks of Moscow travel agents. Social Networks, in press.
Deniza Alieva(2019). Teoría y práctica de las redes ilegales encubiertas. REDES. Revista Hispana para el Análisis de Redes Sociales, 30(1), 119-121.
В зарубежных конференциях:
Aziza Tulyaganova(2019).Развитие юридической концепции религиозного туризма и зиерат туризма в Республике Узбекистан, V INTERNATIONAL TURKIC WORLD TOURISM SYMPOSIUM, Казахстан
Aziza Tulyaganova(2019).Potential of Innovative Pre-school Game Technologies in Uzbekistan and Challenges. When Game is More Than a Game?. 2019 Asian Forum on Children’s Development in the New Era. (Shanghai, China)
Deniza Alieva(2019). Internet visibility as a crucial tool to attract people to theatres and museums in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). Marsouin Digital Society Conference, Rennes, France,
Deniza Alieva, Gulnoza Usmonova, SherzodAktamov(2019). Impact of information insufficiency on tourists' decision-making. Gran Canaria SSTD2019: IV Spring Symposium on Challenges in Tourism Development, Palma, Spain.
Deniza Alieva,Holgado Ramos, Daniel, Maya-Jariego, Isidro (2019). Roles profesionales en el mercado turístico ruso: las redes personales de los agentes turísticos. XIII Congreso Español de Sociología, Valencia, Spain.
Deniza Alieva(2019). Professional networks in the Russian-Andalusian tourist market. III Colloquium of Applied Network Analysis, Lisbon, Portugal.
Deniza Alieva(2019), Maya-Jariego, Isidro, Holgado Ramos, Daniel,. The network of local coordinators in the implementation of a community program to prevent drug abuse. 4th European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN 2019), Zurich, Switzerland.
Maya-Jariego, I., De la Peña, A., Arenas, C.,Deniza Alieva(2019). Personal networks, social media and community cohesion in the strategies of peace-building agents in Colombia to counteract the segregation of displaced populations. Journal of Community Psychology, 47(6), 1300-1312. DOI: 10.1002/jcop.22173
Deniza Alieva(2019). Internet visibility as a crucial tool to attract people to theatres and museums in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). Marsouin Digital Society Conference, Rennes, France.
Персонал СИРМТ:
Dildora A.Ishankhodjaeva(2019).Организационно-экономические предпосылки развития управления сферой туризма в Узбекистане(2018).12 номер «Бизнес-эксперт»
Dildora A. Ishankhodjaeva(2019).Management and economic prerequisites for tourism development in Uzbekistan.XI International Conference on "Olympic legacy and mega-events: Economic, ecological, social and cultural impact on hosting destinations". Sochi, Russia.
Sayyora Rikhsibaevna Safaeva,Dildora A. Ishankhodjaeva, Nargiza Abduvohidovna Juraeva, Olga Evgenievna Matyunina (2019). Economic and Legal Aspects of Tourism Regulation in the New Economy:International Practice. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism.
RuxsoraMardieva(2019).Uzbekistan: the nature of investments.Scientific Digest. Issue 2. «Ӱҵ
Shakhnozakhon Fakhriddinova(2019).Hot trends in global hospitality and hotel industry.Conference Proceedings on "Investments and Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Prospects". «Ӱҵ
ShakhnozakhonFakhriddinova(2019).Current trends in sustainable tourism research.Scientific Digest. Issue 2. «Ӱҵ